Authors |
Timoshkina Olesya Al'bertovna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of law enforcement, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The article defines the role of the bar as central in the system of bodies providing qualified legal assistance to citizens in the Russian Federation. The statistical data characterizing the current state of the Institute of Advocacy and the Bar of the Penza Region are given. The main and promising vectors of development of the entire system of providing qualified legal assistance in general and the institution of the bar in particular are determined. The main problems in the field of advocacy at the present stage of development of legal relations are formulated. The legal profession in the Russian Federation at the present time is a hierarchically complex legal institution that is able to actively participate in protecting the rights of citizens. However, in view of the serious socio-economic and legal transformations in civil society, the need arose for substantial transformations, including in the legal profession, as one of the central bodies in the system that provide professional legal assistance to citizens. The aim of the work is to study the modern system of advocacy in the Russian Federation, formulate and analyze the main problems, and identify the main ways of reforming the institution of advocacy. Materials and methods. During the writing of the work, the following methods were used: the historical-legal method - in the study and analysis of regulatory sources, the method of legal statistics - to obtain quantitative data, analysis and synthesis - to summarize the results.
Results. Statistical data on the activities of the bar in the Russian Federation are analyzed. The main problems in the activities of the legal profession are identified and ways to solve them are proposed.
Conclusions. The presence of the institution of advocacy in the Russian Federation is one of the ways to limit state power, as well as a full-fledged mechanism for the exercise and protection by citizens of their rights and freedoms. A retrospective analysis of the current state of the institution of the legal profession, as well as an analysis of the problems in its activities, allows us to conclude that in order to eliminate them, extensive work is needed to develop and introduce changes, additions and create new standards that would fully cover all problematic issues and at the legislative level they would allow, if not eliminate them completely, then at least minimize them.
Key words |
qualified legal assistance, the institution of advocacy, advocate, guarantees, organization of activity, problems of advocacy, rights and obligations
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